"OUR focus is YOUR eyesight"

Change in Licensing Status

Policy: The purpose of this policy is to ensure the proper usage of the tile of “Optician” and to protect the public by ensuring that all opticianry services are provided by a Licensed Optician.



An Optician or Contact Lens Licensed Optician who has licensed for the first time or is a reinstated optician and has licensed only once since their reinstatement application was approved may not apply to become inactive until they have been active for 3 years following the approval of their initial active license or reinstated active license.

In keeping with the current bylaws of the Opticians of Manitoba, eligible Licensed (Dispensing) Opticians or Contact Lens Licensed Opticians may at any time change their licensing status from inactive to active if they have been licensed as inactive for 3 years or less and their Maintenance of Competency (MOC) credits are up to date. See OOM Maintenance of Competency Policy, MOC Handbook and Frequently Asked Questions.

Opticians who wish to change their licensing status from inactive to active are required to submit a:

  • letter of intent,
  • completed application to be licensed as active. License application forms.
  • one passport photograph with the verification signed on the back by the photographer, if they have not been submitted within the previous five years
  • the original version of a criminal record search report, if one has not been submitted within the previous three years
  • certificate as proof of a minimum of one million dollars ($1,000,000) in Errors and Omissions Professional Liability insurance or proof of membership In the Opticians Association of Canada.
  • The Active Declaration (Appendix Ato the Registrar of the Opticians of Manitoba.
  • The fee to change licensing status from inactive to active will be proportional, based on the number of months remaining in the licensing year as follows:

January 1- June 30   100% of the license fee
July 1- December 31   70% of the license fee

  • An additional fee, subject to increases as approved by the OOM Council, will also be charged for a new License to Practice¹ which reflects the member’s new licensing status. See Fees 


  • An inactive member, who has changed their status to active, may not become inactive again for a period of three years. If an optician has been inactive for 3 years and does not become active after the three year period has expired, their license will lapse. They will then be required to apply for reinstatement if they wish to become active again in the future
  • An optician who has had an inactive or active license but has been non- practicing for 10 years or more and wishes to have an active license will be required to complete the online Competency Gap Analysis (CGA) and a behaviour based interview. A period of supervised practice will also be required, the length of which will be determined on a case by case basis taking into consideration the applicant’s score on the CGA and interview. Following successful completion of these requirements, the optician will also be required to apply for reinstatement (see page 3 Reinstatement ).
  • An optician who has been active or inactive but non- practicing for over 3 years will be required to complete a supervised period of practice of a minimum of 40 hours and upon successful completion will be required to apply for reinstatement (see page 3 Reinstatement ).


An application for a change from active to inactive status will only be approved if the member has been active for at least the previous three years.

Members applying for inactive status are required to:

  • submit a letter of intent and completed application for licensing as inactive to the Registrar of the Opticians of Manitoba.
  • pay the inactive license fee which is subject to increases at the same percentage rate as an active license plus applicable taxes. Fees which were paid by the member for an active status license at the beginning of the year during which the members applies for inactive status, will not be refunded. See Fees 
  • Submit an Inactive Declaration (Appendix B) form each year during which they are licensed as inactive, stating that they will refrain from the practice of opticianry during the time they are licensed as inactive,
  • maintain their Maintenance of Competency (MOC) credits according to OOM policies, during the period they are licensed as inactive. See the OOM MOC Policy and Procedure.

Inactive members will continue to be entitled to receive the OOM newsletters, news releases, invitations to social events and annual meetings, MOC events and any other functions the OOM may provide. Inactive members may volunteer for any OOM activity that is eligible for MOC credits except teaching or participating in examinations.

Voting privileges and any rights to hold a position on Council are suspended while a member is licensed as inactive but the member may serve on a council committee.

Members who are licensed as inactive may not practice opticianry in Manitoba in either a full or part time capacity in a dispensary or in a practice operated by an Optometrist or an Ophthalmologist.


Opticians who are going on maternity or paternity leave within the first 3 months of the licensing year and will therefore only require an active license for the first three months or less of the licensing year, will be charged a prorated license fee for each month up to a maximum of three months plus a $75.00 administration fee. Requests for a prorated fee in other exceptional circumstances must be submitted in writing to the Registrar for consideration by the OOM Council.


In keeping with Section 33. (2) and (3) of the current by-laws of the Opticians of Manitoba members may apply for reinstatement under the following conditions:

  • MEMBER WHOSE LICENSE WAS CANCELLED DUE TO NON COMPLIANCE WITH LICENSING REQUIREMENTS may apply for reinstatement immediately after they have received notice that their license has been cancelled by:
    • forwarding a letter of intent,
    • meeting all of the OOM requirements for licensing,
    • paying a fee for reinstatement
  • MEMBERS WHOSE LICENSE HAS BEEN CANCELLED AND WHOSE NAME HAS BEEN REMOVED FROM THE REGISTER FOR DISCIPLINARY REASONS may not apply for reinstatement until the expiration of the period of time stipulated in the order of Council during which the cancellation of the license and removal of name from the register is effective; but when the period of cancellation or suspension ordered by Council exceeds two years, the member has the right to apply to Council for reinstatement at the end of a two year period, at which time the Council shall conduct a hearing with respect to the member’s application for reinstatement.
  • MEMBER WHOSE LICENSE HAS LAPSED FOR ONE YEAR OR LESS i.e. the cancellation of the member’s license was ordered by Council by reason of the member’s failure to renew his license and pay the prescribed fee, the member affected by the Order may, within one year from the date of the Order, apply for reinstatement unless otherwise disqualified under the Opticians Act or the provisions of the OOM by-laws, by:
    • forwarding a letter of intent,
    • meeting all of the OOM requirements for licensing
    • paying:
      • the fee for reinstatement
      • the fee, for a Certificate of Practice/license card
      • a proportional active license fee as set out in the following schedule:January 1- June 30      100% of the license fee
        July 1- December 31      70% of the license fee
  • The member must also complete the required Maintenance of Competency credits for the current year of the cycle during which they are reinstated within 30 days of receiving their reinstated active license. Attendance at any MOC events which are eligible for MOC credits can be used towards the MOC requirements for reinstatement, providing the member reinstates within 3 months of the event.

Note: All fees are subject to increases as approved by OOM Council. See Fees

  • MEMBER WHOSE LICENSE HAS LAPSED FOR ONE MORE THAN ONE YEAR BUT LESS THAN 3 YEARS i.e. the member’s license was cancelled by Order of the Council by reason of the member’s failure to renew his license and pay the prescribed fee, the member affected by the Order may, within one year from the date of the Order, apply for reinstatement unless otherwise disqualified under the Opticians Act, or the provisions of the OOM by-laws, by:
    • forwarding a letter of intent,
    • meeting all of the OOM requirements for licensing
    • paying:
      • the fee for reinstatement plus the inactive license fee for each lapsed year and the prorated license fee for the year during which the member is reinstated, to be capped at $1,000.
      • a fee for a License to Practice/license card
      • a proportional active license fee as set out in the followings schedule:January 1- June 30      100% of the license fee
        July 1- December 31       70% of the license fee
    • submitting the original of a criminal record search report completed within the previous 5 years
    • submitting one passport photograph signed by the photographer on the back unless they have been submitted to the OOM within the previous five years.


The Reinstatement fee for an applicant whose license has lapsed :

  • up to 5 years is $300.00
  • 6 years or more is $600.00

Note: All fees are subject to increases approved by the OOM Council. See Fees

The member must also complete all of the required Maintenance of Competency credits for each year of the cycle during which they are reinstated, within 90 days of receiving their reinstated active license. Attendance at any MOC events which are eligible for MOC credits can be used towards the MOC requirements for reinstatement, providing the member reinstates within 3 months of the event.

  • MEMBER WHOSE LICENSE HAS LAPSED FOR MORE THAN THREE YEARS i.e. the members license has been cancelled by an Order of Council by reason of the member’s failure to renew their license and pay the prescribed fee, the member affected by the Order may, after three years from the date of the Order, apply for reinstatement unless otherwise disqualified under the Opticians Act, or the provisions of the OOM by-laws. The process and requirements for reinstatement include:
    • forwarding a letter of intent to the Registrar of the Opticians of Manitoba,
    • successful completion of the Prior Learning Assessment Process (PLAR),
    • supervision for 90 days under a Licensed Optician or Licensed Contact Lens Optician
    • submitting a letter from the Supervising Optician describing the applicant’s duties and performance
    • paying the:
      • reinstatement fee
      • fee for a License to Practice/License card
      • active fee for the current year as set out in
      • the following schedule:January 1- June 30      100% of the license fee
        July 1- December 31       70% of the license fee
      • inactive license fee for the lapsed years is capped at $1,000
    • submitting one passport photograph signed on the back by the photographer unless submitted within the previous 3 years
    • submitting the original of a criminal record search report completed within the previous 5 years
    • completing all of the MOC credits for each year of the current MOC cycle, within 90 days after receiving an active license. Attendance at any special MOC events which are eligible for MOC credits can be used towards the MOC requirements for reinstatement, providing the member reinstates within 3 months of the event.

Note: All fees are subject to increases approved by the OOM Council. See Fees

Members who are reinstated will receive a License to Practice and be entitled to the full privileges enjoyed by any other licensed Optician in Manitoba.

Opticians of Manitoba Bylaws
Province of Manitoba Opticians Act



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