"For Internationally Educated Opticians"

Gap Analysis

Gap Analysis is conducted in English only. You will be supervised as you answer questions using an online computer program. Three members of the OOM Registration Committee will assess your results to determine:

  • If there are any gaps in your education
  • If you have any areas of weakness in knowledge
  • If you require additional training

If you live in Manitoba, Gap Analysis will take place at OOM. If you do not live in Manitoba, OOM will arrange for Gap Analysis to take place at your current location under the supervision of an invigilator.

There are two sections to Gap Analysis. All applicants must complete Section 1. Eyeglasses. Contact Lens Opticians must complete Section 1. Eyeglasses and Section 2. Contact Lenses. You may complete each section on a separate date or both sections on the same day.

Fees are due no later than the day of your assessment.

Section Fee
(includes tax)
Time Details
1. Eyeglasses $682.50 4-6 hours -For applicants who wish to be licensed as an Optician
-Must be completed in one sitting
-You may take longer than 6 hours if needed
2. Contact Lenses $771.49 4-6 hours -For applicants who wish to be licensed as a Contact Lens Optician
-Must be completed in one sitting
-Applicants must also complete Section 1. Eyeglasses (in a separate siting or on the same day)
-You may take longer than 6 hours if needed
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