"For Internationally Educated Opticians"


Following review of your Application for PLAR, NACOR will send your your CGA results to the provincial regulatory board in the province you want to become licensed in. The provincial regulatory board will send you a Reasons and Decisions letter with your results from PLAR. Your letter will tell you if your skills are equivalent to a Canadian optician or below a Canadian optician. If it is determined that your knowledge and skills are below a Canadian optician you will be assigned bridging modules as upgrading.

  1. If your application is incomplete, OOM will instruct you to provide the missing content.
  2. If your education and experience qualify you, OOM will recommend that you complete Gap Analysis.
  3. If your education and experience do not meet Manitoba standards, If you rank “Below” on any of the competencies, you will be assigned bridging that you must complete before you will be eligible to write the national examination.
    The bridging modules are available for you to review on the NACOR website.

    NACOR’s PLAR has two components, a Case Based Interview (CBI) and a Competency Gap Analysis (CGA).

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