"For Internationally Educated Opticians"

Reviews and Appeals

Applicants have the right to access their records. This includes your detailed assessment records. If you wish to see your records please send your request in writing by email to the Registrar of the Opticians of Manitoba.

You have the right to appeal or request a review of the Decision. Appeal opportunities are not restricted to issues of procedure.If you wish to do so, you must write a letter and send it within 30 days of the date of your Decision letter.

Your letter must include:

  • Your name
  • Your address
  • The date of your Decision letter
  • The Decision
  • A statement indicating that you wish to appeal or request a review

Send your letter to:

Registrar, Opticians of Manitoba

215-1080 Portage Ave.
Winnipeg, Manitoba
R3G 3M3

The first step in the appeal process is a Decision Review.

The OOM Registration Appeals Committee (the Committee) will review the Decision. The Committee can change the Decision. The Committee’s final Decision is not subject to further review or appeal by OOM.

The Reviews and Appeals process takes 4-6 weeks to complete.

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