"OUR focus is YOUR eyesight"

Step 2: National Exam

There are two national exams in Manitoba:

  • Optical Sciences 1. Eyeglass Exam (for Opticians)
  • Optical Sciences 2: Advanced Practice Contact Lens Exam (for Contact Lens Opticians)

You must write both exams to become registered as a Contact Lens Optician.

Contact the Opticians of Manitoba (OOM) to arrange to write the exam(s).

important IMPORTANT
The exams are administered by the National Accreditation Committee of Optician Regulators (NACOR). Visit nacor.ca for exam details.

NACOR will mail your exam results to you and to OOM. If you pass the exam, you are eligible to proceed to Step 3: Registration. If you do not pass the exam, you may rewrite it. You are allowed three attempts to pass the exam.

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