"OUR focus is YOUR eyesight"


The Opticians of Manitoba (OOM) will set up an online profile for you. This will allow you to log in to the Members section of the OOM website and access your MOC credit information/bank.

While participating in an MOC activity hosted by OOM, you will complete an MOC Evaluation form provided by OOM, and then the OOM will enter your credits into your MOC bank.

You are responsible for entering your MOC credits for all non-OOM sponsored education activities. You must provide OOM with proof of each activity, such as copies of receipts and certificates.

The Opticians of Manitoba (OOM) will set up an online profile for you. This will allow you to log in and access your MOC credit information/bank:
Member Credits

At the end of each cycle OOM will send you a report on the status of your credits. If you have more credits than you need for that cycle, you may carry forward a maximum of 4 surplus credits for the next cycle. To carry forward surplus credits, you must send a written request to OOM.

If you are short of credits at the end of a 3-year cycle, OOM will mail you a registered letter that includes:

  • The number credits in your bank
  • The number of credits you must earn
  • The activities you must complete to earn those credits
  • The deadline for earning credits (usually one month)

If you do not earn the number of required credits, OOM will NOT renew your Licence.

  • For IEPs Directory of Manitoba Opticians News and Events
    Member Login
    Public Awareness campaign